Accountabilities and Authorities:
Health, Safety & Environment
Implementation, management and maintenance of the ISO18001 & ISO14001 systems.
Promoting safe working practices and safety within the department.
Leading and managing hazard and risk management programs and systems.
People Management
Implementation, use and continuous coaching of the subordinates.
Labour planning and budgeting.
Supporting the Operations Manager in the development of an optimized business plan by proposing potential resource rationalization approaches, with associated benefits and risks, and models of possible long term mine plans for the 3-5 year future. 
In conjunction with the Technical Services Manager, support the development of the long term mine plan that will deliver the sustainable execution of the annual mine plans and  deliver the expected results safely and within budget
In the mining environment, optimise a series of cutbacks in the two main operating pits, to achieve targeted gold production and costs.
In conjunction with the Technical Services Manager and Geology Manager design of the underground mine development & assists with scheduling of mining activities between open pit and underground mining activities.
The management of people and effective mine operations work systems within the context of the approved budget.
Develop and implement succession plans with measurable results in the localization of management in the mining operations.
Integrating all mining functions required to develop, monitor, progress, resource and execute the Mine Plan on a 3 year rolling basis.
Designing and implementing operating systems and teams to deliver in accordance with the budget (considering owner and contract activities)
Defining “good mining practice”, and providing a framework and plan to sustainably and continuously improve performance
Optimising ore mining methods to balance productivity and quality by working collaterally with the Geology Manager to determine balance of factors required for optimal result
In conjunction with Geology, the development of mining methods which optimize resource recovery and mining dilution, commensurate with practical mining constraints and productivity targets.
In conjunction with geology, develop procedures for the operation of the ROM pad, for the sorting, stockpiling and management of ore.
In conjunction with Processing, optimization of ore mining methods (drill and blast) to optimize mill throughput
Planning and implementing infrastructure to support the mining operation; Implement the management framework.
Understanding and growing the geotechnical knowledge of GGM pits, linking this to development and implementation of optimal and safe design, and work practices
Understanding and managing risks and opportunities over the 2 year business cycle
Defining, implementing and managing contractors in all open pit mining operations areas.
Scope contract parameters for future mining contractors or contract extensions.
Mining Fleet
Managing and optimising the use of the mining fleet, to deliver to the mining production plan and budget.  Develop alternative scenarios for effective rationalization of HME in the 2 to 5 year timeframe.

Skills and Knowledge:
B.Sc in Mining Engineering.
Post graduate qualifications in management  is desirable but not essential;
10 years relevant mining experiences (Surface & Underground)

Employee Accountabilities:
Commit your best endeavors and full capability to the work assigned to you by your manager.
Advise your manager if you do not understand the work they have assigned to you, or if the assignment does not fit with your knowledge of the circumstances, current skills or available time and resources.
Advise your manager of any situations or conditions that could create obstacles to, or opportunities for, the work of the managerial team or company.
Demonstrate work behaviours consistent with the company values and work within prescribed boundaries, including required behaviours, company policies, standards, procedures and legislation requirements.
Disclose timely information to your manager when accountability cannot be met within limits or can be met with less time or resources than planned.

Managerial Accountabilities:
As the role holder, you have the following accountabilities in relation to your immediate subordinates.
The accountability for the outputs and working behaviours of your subordinates.
The accountability to build and sustain a team of subordinates capable of producing those outputs.
The accountability for exercising effective managerial leadership (including exercising the Managerial Leadership Practices outlined below).
As the role holder, you have the following authorities in relation to your immediate subordinates.
The authority to veto the appointment of a proposed new subordinate.
The authority to assign tasks to a subordinate.
The authority to review, recognize and recommend reward for the performance of a subordinate.
The authority to initiate removal of a subordinate from role by due process.
As the role holder, you are expected to demonstrate the Managerial Leadership Practices that embody our company values, namely:
Two-Way Managerial Team Working: The manager-subordinate relationship is required to be a two-way working relationship that takes into consideration the input of subordinates.
Context Setting: Managers must provide their subordinates with an up-to-date context to ensure that they have a clear understanding of why they are doing what they have been given to do in order to work effectively with each other as a collateral team.  
Planning: There are 2 main types of plans: a) Delegated plans, set by a manager for his/her
subordinate that set the context for the plans that subordinates are required to make, and b) Personal plans, set by individuals for themselves within the context set by their manager.
Task Assignment: Clear specification of tasks by managers is essential for subordinates to know what is required of them, by when and what resources are available to them to achieve the task.
Personal Effectiveness Appraisal: Managers are to appraise how well a subordinate uses his/her judgment and discretion in solving problems; and to discuss their appraisal of each subordinate’s personal effectiveness with her/him as an ongoing working dialogue.
Personal Effectiveness Review: Managers are required to meet with their subordinates once a year, following a MoR equilibration, to discuss effectiveness and remuneration.
Coaching: Coaching is the process by which managers help subordinates become aware of the full range of unrealized opportunities available to them and to learn what is necessary to take advantage of these opportunities. Coaching assists subordinates to increase their effectiveness in their roles.
Selection and Induction: Managers are accountable for: selecting subordinates capable of performing the work required of them; and for ensuring that they are inducted.  The manager must personally provide the newcomer with details of the specific role, how it fits into the company’s organization structure, and the context of work encompassed by the role, and role accountabilities, authorities, limits, relationships and available resources.
Continual Improvement: Managers are held to account by their managers for continually improving the processes that they control and delegate to their subordinates to use.
De-selection and Dismissal: De-selection is the authority to decide to remove a subordinate from a role after following due process, and dismissal with due cause, is the authority managers have to instantly dismiss subordinates for grossly and blatantly breaking rules and regulations, or when dangerous situations occur because of their negligence.

Manager once removed Accountabilities:
Ensuring the quality of leadership being exercised by immediate subordinate managers.
Establishing and sustaining SoR cross functional working relationships between specific roles.
Assessing the Current Potential Capability of SoRs and maintaining a talent pool.
Mentoring SoRs regarding career development.
Determining successors for immediate subordinate roles.
Recruitment of SoRs by selecting a list of candidates from which an immediate subordinate manager may make a choice for filling a specific role.
As a MoR, you have the following authorities:
Vetoing the appointment of a proposed new SoR.
Deciding SoR appeals regarding unfair treatment.
Deciding on transfers, promotions, demotions and dismissals of SoRs.
Recommending an increase or decrease in the number or level of SoR roles to your manager.

Boundaries and Authorities:
The Mining Manager will have accountability for the effective use of people, resources, and assets associated with:
Area of mining operation.
Contractors and Suppliers.
Mining Projects.
The specific boundary limits in each area will be defined by agreement and in conjunction with the MD, Geita Gold Mine. These include:
Variances to assigned resources i.e. total budget dollars and total budgeted headcount must be reviewed prior to committing additional resources.
Any system change with a potential material impact the area of accountability must be reviewed with the MD and the collateral team prior to implementation to minimize unintended consequences.
Organizational structure changes such as adding or removing roles and changes to role design at the immediate subordinate level can only be carried out with the concurrence of the MD, in his capacity as the MoR.
Any breaches to the Code of Conduct and ethics must be reported to the MD. (Gift and Hospitality process must be followed).
This role holder has no authority to speak on behalf of the company to outside agencies except with the authorisation of the MD
Within the context of the approved engagement strategy;
Within the context of the business plan and approved budget
This role holder has the following financial authorities:
Management and control of approved budget in your area of accountability


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