Location:Morogoro, Tanzania (TZ)
Salary:£34,806 – £40, 596 plus pension
Posted:28 Jun 2017
Closes:22 Jul 2017
Job level:Experienced (non manager)
Hours :Full time

Education level: Postgraduate degree, Masters or higher
Water Witness International (WWI) works for a water secure world where all people have reliable access to the water they need to thrive, and are protected against pollution, flooding, drought and water conflict.  WWI has grown rapidly since 2008 as a highly influential NGO working at local, national and global scales for sustainable water management and social justice.   With our trusted partners, we use accountability monitoring and evidence-based advocacy to help vulnerable people obtain water security, and to drive system-wide change for improved water governance and aid.
Our methodology involves recruitment of ‘Water Witnesses’ within vulnerable communities facing severe water insecurity, and a programme of long-term support to activate responsible institutions to address the problems they face in line with existing laws, policy and organisational mandates.  Tracking the responses of duty bearers within these action research case studies, and wider analysis of the sector provides useful diagnoses of the root causes of water insecurity, and generates compelling and objective evidence for where change is needed.  With our partners and sector coalitions we use this to advocate and drive system change for sustainable water management, climate adaptation, responsive governance and effective aid.  Capturing the lessons around how accountability approaches contribute to better sector performance is vital to nurture a community of practice in the region.  Within every stage of our approach, effective knowledge capture, learning and communication play a critical role in securing impact.
Based on successful operations in Tanzania since 2009, and with new long-term financial support, we are strengthening our learning and communications capability to ensure that the contribution of social accountability towards delivery of sustainable development goals is accelerated in Tanzania, and globally.
Job Summary and Purpose
This is a new, senior and influential position within a people focused and dynamic NGO, which will place the successful applicant at the heart of the struggle for a fair water future in Tanzania, Africa and globally.  We are seeking a Tanzanian, or international development practitioner with specific expertise in monitoring, learning and communications to strengthen our team, internal systems, outputs, influence and impact.  This high calibre individual will be embedded within our partner organisation in Morogoro, Tanzania, where they will work alongside our operational lead to support and mentor our team on the design, delivery and documentation of action research; analysis of sectoral performance including budgets, policy, practice and priorities for change; synthesis of evidence, and authorship, co-creation and delivery of compelling advocacy materials in a wide range of formats. The post-holder will also be responsible for monitoring and evaluation to track the impact of our work, and for ensuring that learning and reflection support adaptive management and knowledge sharing.  Developing influential relationships and ensuring that our advocacy has impact with partners across civil society/NGOs, beneficiary communities, government, private sector and donor will be central to the success of this position.   
Through the support we receive from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, our work in Tanzania is pioneering the development of social accountability in the water sector, acting as a regional and global learning hub. The post-holder will therefore play a key role in addressing global learning priorities on social accountability for water, and in capturing and sharing knowledge in the region and globally.
This is an excellent opportunity for a gifted individual to exercise and further establish their professional credentials in Tanzania and globally, and to develop their career as a leader/communicator for sustainable development and social justice.
Duties and responsibilities
The objective of this role is to strengthen monitoring, learning, communication and impact across the social accountability monitoring and advocacy workstreams of WWI and its partners.  The post holder will lead and support our local and international teams on monitoring, learning and communications, provide technical advice and mentoring, undertake research and development, author and publish documents and other media, design and lead engagement with partners and stakeholders to deliver on the objectives of the Fair Water Futures/Uhakika wa Maji Programme which include:
  • To embed and broaden the impact of our accountability and advocacy work to drive implementation of water law and improve water security for 1 million vulnerable people in Tanzania.
  • Make demonstrable contributions to pro-poor changes in policy, practice and financing for water.
  • Address knowledge gaps, share lessons, inspire practice and support a growing community of practice and global consortia to accelerate the contribution of social accountability practice to deliver SDG 6.
  • Build local capability to enable our partners to facilitate water-security in the long term.
Specific responsibilities will include:
1. Learning and research leadership
Work with the Director, team and partners to design, manage and execute our learning strategy, through focused practice and action research within our community engagement and advocacy programmes to address our learning priorities on:
I. Effective accountability practice: Available approaches and evidence of outcomes and success factors; sustaining change; contextual adaptation; strategy / ladders of engagement; gender equity in engagement and outcomes.
II. Managing the risks of accountability practice: Managing conflicts of interest, political risks and relationships; prioritising and protecting the vulnerable; ensuring legitimacy within international to national, and national to local support; responding to the closing space, conditionality and limits to investment.
III. Measuring impacts of accountability practice: Challenges for MEL on accountability and advocacy, and their implications; credible approaches; improving attribution and articulation of benefits; learning centered practice.
VI.  Sustainable support and scaling accountability practice on water: Development of an active and impactful community of practice and learning; triggering and sustaining autonomous accountability activity; sectoral integration and SDGs; context specific support; communicating and sharing; unlocking support and finance.
2. Developing efficient and effective internal systems
The production, capture, analysis and sharing of reliable knowledge and information is critical to our effective operations, learning, adaptive management and impact.  The post holder, in close collaboration with our existing team, will be responsible for:
  • Improving data capture, the rigour of our documentation processes and information flow.
  • Refining the systems we use to manage, process, analyse and use knowledge.
  • Design and delivery of training, mentoring and technical assistance to our team, partners and beneficiary communities.
  • Leading on our monitoring and evaluation activities and donor reporting.
  • Supporting continual learning, team reflection and adaptive management to develop and deliver our theory of change.
  • Ensuring effective functioning of our Programmes Committee to ensure that it enhances our impact through acting as its Secretariat.
3. Ensuring external impact and influence
Our impact is also highly dependent on our ability to communicate effectively and efficiently to influence target audiences.  The post holder will therefore work closely with the team, and provide leadership across our documentation, publication, communication and outreach work.  Specifically they will:
  • Review our current approach to communicating and advocating for change.
  • Understand the nature of key audiences, their needs and constraints regarding information exchange and effecting change.
  • Ensure that the evidence generated by our work, and key messages are captured and communicated in ways which reach key audiences and effect change.
  • Author, create and publish outputs across our work to ensure that WWI’s influence and ‘thought leadership’ role is maintained and strengthened.
  • Ensure quality assurance across all external communication activities.
  • Build and maintain excellent working relationships with partners, beneficiaries, government and donors.
  • Lead design and delivery of national, regional and international learning events;
  • Input into development of our global communications strategy,
  • Collaborate with others and provide training and mentoring to the team and partners to ensure communication and advocacy work of the highest quality,
  • Co-produce learning and research reports/articles for publication and presentation.
The post-holder will maintain a flexible and dynamic approach required within a small and growing organisation and will deputise for other managers, or undertake other duties, including representation of the organisation and partners as required.
Key working relationships and logistical arrangements
The successful applicant will be embedded within the team of our trusted and long-term Tanzanian partner organisation, Shahidi wa Maji and will be based in their offices in Morogoro, where they will work alongside Shahidi’s Operations Manager to mentor and support the small Shahidi wa Maji and WWI team in Tanzania.  The post holder will have dual reporting responsibilities to the Africa Programme Manager (currently the Shahidi wa Maji Chair) and the Executive Director of WWI.
Person Specification:
The successful applicant will be able to demonstrate the following:
Experience and qualifications:
  • A postgraduate degree in a relevant field (International Development, Communications/ Journalism, Sciences).
  • Over 5 years relevant experience in a development environment.
  • Experience in programme management, design, monitoring, evaluation, learning and donor reporting.
  • Excellent level of understanding of the water or natural resource sectors, and/or social accountability and the political economy of development.
  • Conversant with qualitative and quantitative data collection methods and analysis.
  • Demonstrable ability to deliver impact through mentoring a multi-cultural team and through working with vulnerable communities.
  • Training design and delivery, and capacity building experience.
  • Considerable experience in writing, editing and preparing communications materials, including layout and design.
  • Relevant experience and networks in Tanzania and East Africa
  • Experience of Implementing ICT for development activities.
Skills and attributes:
  • Highly articulate with demonstrable ability in writing, production of publications and in research design and management.
  • Must have advanced skills in MS PowerPoint, Excel and Word.
  • Exceptional written and spoken English knowledge.
  • Proven ability to lead teams and deliver impact, with minimal supervision in a fast-paced and challenging environment.
  • High level of professional and ethical conduct
  • Proven ability to think and plan strategically and opportunistically for effective communications.
  • Ability to communicate complex technical, or politically sensitive information to a wide audience in simple and engaging terms.
  • Must be dynamic, creative, and passionate about delivering positive change in the world.
  • Knowledge in graphic design, photography and videography experience preferred.
-Skills in publishing software and website design and maintenance.

-Working ability or fluency in Kiswahili.

-Familiarity and competence in use of social media for development.

Application Procedure
Closing date:                   Friday 21st July 2017, 0900 hrs BST
Interviews:                      Interviews will be held in Edinburgh on Friday 4th August 2017
Expected start date:      4th September 2017 or as soon as possible after this date
Interested and suitably qualified candidates should send the following attachments in an email with ‘KIM VACANCY APPLICATION’ as the subject heading to before 9 am BST on Friday 21st July 2017:
  1. A covering letter explaining why you are interested in the position and demonstrating how you meet the person specification.
  2. Your current CV with email addresses and telephone numbers of two referees.
  3. At least two examples of publications or reports which you have personally authored, and a short note on each explaining how these have made a positive contribution.
Water Witness International is committed to welcoming people from a wide diversity of backgrounds, culture and experience.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contactedUnfortunately, we cannot provide feedback to unsuccessful candidates.

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